6. May 2014 13:22 by outbackuav in

In my extensive YouTube watching experience I’ve seen a lot of very enthusiastic and energetic people in the RC world. There’s Josh Bixler, Glassdogangle, DemonDriver, Jeremiah and Alex from Stone Blue Airlines just off the top of my head but I can’t think of any who pack more punch than Trent from MyGeekShow.
In the last couple of years year he’s gone from newbie to attempting one of the greatest feats ever tried in the RC world. He’s going to try and fly one of his Raptor 140 flying wings across the United States from San Diego to South Carolina(?) a distance of around 4,000km.
I’ve taken a small sponsorship via Indiegogo of one of the wing panel ads that will proudly wear the OutbackUAV logo that I laboured over for a good 3 or 4 minutes...

Even if he doesn’t make it it will be epic. It's worth the tiny sponsorship just to see him try. Trent’s the kind of guy that is pretty unstoppable despite having a full-time job (and we know Americans don’t get much holiday/vacation leave) a wife and family plus other commitments.
I'd love to try the same thing here in Ostraya, maybe Shark Bay to Byron Bay? It probably wouldn't be as interesting because as anyone who's crossed this wide brown land knows that it's very wide and very brown. It's about 4,000km as the crow flies, about the same as Trent's route but there's basically no East-West roads across Australia 'through the middle' unless you have two 4-wheel drives, a lot of water and fuel and a Flying Doctor radio.

I'll be in Greece at the time but I'll try and get a SIM for my phone so I can see Trent give it a red-hot go.